Saturday, October 6, 2012

Solidarity with political prisoners and trial to the Nafarroa government

Today starts Atarrabia (Nafarroa South basque country) festivals. The town hall is governed by Bildu (a pro-independence and leftist coalition). Dozens of people have supported basque political prisoners showing their faces and asking their repatriation with flags. Dozens of people have also protested by the cuts that spanish government and Nafarroa government is applying in social services, health system or education. Spanish media have manipulated all the information linking the support of basque political prisoners with terrorism.

Iker Sasiegas
Nafarroa government is going to be judged for a police actuation in Berriozar (Nafarroa South Basque Country). On 2008, during a solidary concert, foral police  teared a banner that supports basque political prisoners. After that, they attacked the concert using batons and rubber balls. Some people were injured and one of them (Iker Isiegas) was unconscious. Foral police knocked him in his head and then he had surgery on his head. According to Nafarroa government (Nafarroa is governed by UPN a unionist political party) the police acted correctly.

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