Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ares (Euskadi's interior minister) admits that Iñigo Cabacas was killed by Police

Demonstration Algorta: "stop police brutality and impunity"
Ares has admitted that a rubber ball throwed by Ertzaintza was the cause of Iñigo Cabacas death. According to his opinion, there could be "negligence" in Ertzaintza actuation. Ares have criticized "Ezker abertzalea" (leftist pro-independence) for "politizing" Iñigo Cabacas death. There have been paintings against PSOE in some towns and in Gasteiz (capital of Araba) a road has been cut with burning dumpsters. There have been demonstrations in some cities of basque country. One of the most important have been in Algorta (near from Bilbo where Iñigo Cabacas die).

In some cities demonstrations have been threatened by Ertzaintza and almost 2 youth have been identified when they were putting posters of protest for this new attack.

EH Bai
Amaiur (pro-independence coalition south basque country) have asked in spanish parlament the finish of excepcional actions against basque political prisoners. EH bai (pro-independence coalition north basque country) main objetives in "french" elections will be: Overcome political conflict, a new social alternative ( and people rights (right to house etc.).

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